Kenmore Vacuum Cleaner Tool Adapters

After donating the neversufficiently-to-be-damned Samsung vacuum cleaner (and all its remaining bags & doodads) to a nonprofit’s tag sale, we picked up a Sears Kenmore Progressive vacuum cleaner that seemed to be the least awful of the current offerings. Unlike all previous vacuum cleaners, its tools & doodads have complex plastic fittings with latches and keyways and all manner of gimcrackery. The designers seem to have hands and legs of far-above-average size, but that’s another rant.

All this came to a head when I attempted to vacuum the fuzz out of the refrigerator’s evaporator coils, because the long snout that reaches the back of the refrigerator doesn’t fit the aperture in the giant handle.

Well, at least I can fix that

The first step involved modeling the plastic fitting that snaps into the handle:

Kenmore Male Fitting - Solid model
Kenmore Male Fitting – Solid model

The latch on the handle snaps into an opening that took some tinkering to reproduce. Stand back, I’m going to use trigonometry:

            translate([0,-11.5/2,23.0 - 5.0])                                    // latch opening
            translate([OEMTube[ID1]/2 + EntryHeight/tan(90-EntryAngle),0,0])    // latch ramp
                        intersection() {

Which spits out two suitable shapes with the proper positions and alignments:

Kenmore Male Fitting - Latch detail - Solid model
Kenmore Male Fitting – Latch detail – Solid model

The magic wand for the refrigerator originally slid into the Samsung’s metal pipe, so I put a slightly tapered cylinder inside a somewhat more tapered exterior (which seems chunky enough to withstand my flailing around under the refrigerator), then topped it off with the male fitting:

Refrigerator Coil Wand Adapter
Refrigerator Coil Wand Adapter

The Kenmore crevice tool snaps under the gargantuan plastic handle, which limits it to being 6.5 inches long, totally unable to reach into any of the nontrivial crevices around here, and in the way when it’s not being used. Some rummaging turned up a longer crevice tool from the Electrolux That Came With The House™, an old-school tool that slipped over its pipe. Modeling a straight cylinder inside a tapered cylinder that fits the tool didn’t take long:

Crevice Tool Adapter
Crevice Tool Adapter

Flushed with success, I found a smaller floor brush than the new Kenmore, with dimensions similar to the Electrolux snout, so another module appeared:

Floor Brush Adapter
Floor Brush Adapter

All of them build with the latch end upward to avoid needing support structure, with a 5 mm brim for good platform adhesion:

Floor Brush Adapter - Slic3r preview
Floor Brush Adapter – Slic3r preview

I printed them during the PDS Mini Maker Faire as examples of Useful Things You Can Do With a 3D Printer:

Kenmore Vacuum Cleaner - Tool Adapters
Kenmore Vacuum Cleaner – Tool Adapters

As I pointed out to nearly everybody, the Big Lie about 3D printing is that you’ll just download somebody else’s model to solve your problem. In general, that won’t work, because nobody else has your problem; if you can’t do solid modeling, there’s no point in you having a 3D printer. There’s also no point in going to Kinko’s to get a standardized 3D printed doodad, because you can just order a better-looking injection-molded part directly from Sears (or an aftermarket source) and be done with it.

I loves me some good OpenSCAD action on my Makergear M2, though…

The OpenSCAD source code:

// Kenmore vacuum cleaner nozzle adapters
// Ed Nisley KE4ZNU November 2015

// Layout options

Layout = "CreviceTool";        // MaleFitting CoilWand FloorBrush CreviceTool

//- Extrusion parameters must match reality!
//  Print with +1 shells and 3 solid layers

ThreadThick = 0.25;
ThreadWidth = 0.40;

HoleWindage = 0.2;

function IntegerMultiple(Size,Unit) = Unit * ceil(Size / Unit);

Protrusion = 0.1;           // make holes end cleanly

// Dimensions

ID1 = 0;                                                // for tapered tubes
ID2 = 1;
OD1 = 2;
OD2 = 3;

OEMTube = [35.0,35.0,41.7,40.5,30.0];                    // main fitting tube
EndStop = [OEMTube[ID1],OEMTube[ID2],47.5,47.5,6.5];    // flange at end of main tube

FittingOAL = OEMTube[LENGTH] + EndStop[LENGTH];

$fn = 12*4;

// Useful routines

module PolyCyl(Dia,Height,ForceSides=0) {           // based on nophead's polyholes

Sides = (ForceSides != 0) ? ForceSides : (ceil(Dia) + 2);

FixDia = Dia / cos(180/Sides);

cylinder(r=(FixDia + HoleWindage)/2,

// Male fitting on end of Kenmore tools
// This slides into the end of the handle or wand and latches firmly in place

module MaleFitting() {
Latch = [40,11.5,5.0];                    // rectangle latch opening
EntryAngle = 45;                        // latch entry ramp
EntrySides = 16;
EntryHeight = 15.0;                        // lower edge on *inside* of fitting

KeyRadius = 1.0;
        difference() {
            union() {
                cylinder(d1=OEMTube[OD1],d2=OEMTube[OD2],h=OEMTube[LENGTH]);            // main tube
                hull()                                                                    // insertion guide
                    for (i=[-(6.0/2 - KeyRadius),(6.0/2 - KeyRadius)], 
                        j=[-(28.0/2 - KeyRadius),(28.0/2 - KeyRadius)], 
                        k=[-(26.0/2 - KeyRadius),(26.0/2 - KeyRadius)])
                        translate([(i - (OEMTube[ID1]/2 + OEMTube[OD1]/2)/2 + 6.0/2),j,(k + 26.0/2 - 1.0)])
                translate([0,0,-EndStop[LENGTH]])                                // wand tube butts against this
                    cylinder(d=EndStop[OD1],h=EndStop[LENGTH] + Protrusion);
            translate([0,0,-OEMTube[LENGTH]])                                    // main bore
                cylinder(d=OEMTube[ID1],h=2*OEMTube[LENGTH] + 2*Protrusion);
            translate([0,-11.5/2,23.0 - 5.0])                                    // latch opening
            translate([OEMTube[ID1]/2 + EntryHeight/tan(90-EntryAngle),0,0])    // latch ramp
                        intersection() {

// Refrigerator evaporator coil wand

module CoilWand() {
    union() {
                difference() {
        translate([0,0,50.0 - Protrusion])

// Refrigerator evaporator coil wand

module FloorBrush() {
    union() {
                difference() {
                    union() {
                        translate([0,0,10.0 - Protrusion])
                            cylinder(d1=32.4,d2=30.7,h=50.0 + Protrusion);
        translate([0,0,60.0 - Protrusion])

// Crevice tool

module CreviceTool() {
    union() {
                difference() {
                    union() {
                        translate([0,0,10.0 - Protrusion])
                            cylinder(d1=32.0,d2=30.4,h=50.0 + Protrusion);
        translate([0,0,60.0 - Protrusion])

// Build it!

if (Layout == "MaleFitting")

if (Layout == "CoilWand")

if (Layout == "FloorBrush")

if (Layout == "CreviceTool")

9 thoughts on “Kenmore Vacuum Cleaner Tool Adapters

  1. I finally decided to stop fighting with poorly engineered vacuum cleaners and bought a Míele. I haggled with the people at the vacuum store and got the price down to near-parity with lesser units. It’s beautifully engineered, the hose comes apart at every junction, making it easy to clear when I vacuum something I shouldn’t. It’s quiet and powerful (both ultimate suction and amount of air moved), the fittings are simple and solid. I swapped the filter for a HEPA unit (the unit is sealed so this is a reasonable thing to do), so I don’t have coughing fits every time I vacuum. The only problem I’ve ever had with it is the cord reel mechanism broke. I had them fix it, and the replacement parts have been redesigned to avoid that problem in the future.

    1. The Miele C3 Marin comes in at the top of CU’s most recent ratings, but it’s 6 dB more expensive than our slightly less wonderful Sears sporting equivalent performance; that put it out of contention. The less expensive Miele vacs run 3 dB higher for somewhat less performance, although their lower noise level definitely seems attractive.

      Should this one disintegrate after a few years, we’ll take your advice…

      The Electrolux That Came With The House™ continues to run quietly in the basement, but they don’t make ’em like that any more.

    2. “…the cord reel mechanism broke.”

      We had a problem with the retractable cord on our workhorse Miele vacuum — for some reason a few users find it irresistible to let the retraction reel snap the cord back all the way no matter how much cord is extended. So the line whips back in until the molded plug on the end calls a sudden halt to the activity. Eventually, the internal connections in the plug parted ways.

      When the vacuum cleaner lost power this way, I briefly thought about replacing the entire cord reel mechanism. Then I priced it.

      Next stop was the hardware store for the biggest, toughest, industrial AC plug I could fine. Lopped off the old plug, wired up the new, and we have been going for years without issue. Looks pretty ugly, though, I have to admit. :-)

  2. At the other end of the cost scale is the bagless Eureka that we bought. It’s one of the pet models with a turbine “claw” for the wand. No latches on the accessories. The cyclone handles hair and the big junk, with a washable filter for the (mostly pumice) fines. A HEPA filter takes the end. Julie likes it, and it was about $200.
    We were a bit dubious about the bagless, but it works well, and with a translucent canister (it was clear, but pumice is a great abrasive) you can see when it needs to be dumped.
    I’ll clean the cyclone and the fines filter about every 6 weeks. I haven’t had to mess with the HEPA filter.

    1. pumice is a great abrasive

      Probably shines up the motor brushes pretty well, too!

  3. A word in favor of the cheapest vacuum cleaners. The free ones.

    On three occasions I responded to ads on the Craig’s List “Free Stuff” page. An upright vac, a cannister vac, a kitchen blender. The three items came from different donors but each was described this way: “Working fine until it quit, just past warranty expiration date.”

    In each case I replaced a blown glass cartridge fuse and the machine has run flawlessly ever since.

    A theory: somewhere in China there is a factory cranking out marginal fuses which blow for no good reason. The consequence is consumers who gnash their teeth and mutter, “Goddam Kenmore (or KitchenAid or whatever) sells crap, I’ll never buy another thing from them!” The manufacturer saved a nickel on the fuse and alienated a customer forever. This shouldn’t happen but it does… every day.

    1. I betcha the new, lightweight chassis spins like a top when the motor revs up…

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