
I wrote an every-other-month column on analog & RF topics for Circuit Cellar magazine until 2018. Some columns are available through their website, most are not; you can get reprints or CDs of most issues.

I wrote a column about G-code programming, 3D printing, and the math behind them for Digital Machinist magazine until 2023.

I wrote a monthly column on embedded systems for Dr Dobb’s Journal for several years. Surprisingly, at least as of early 2009, most of the columns are still spinning around on their website. Search for “Nisley” and see what pops up.

A long time ago, I wrote and laid out and typeset an actual book, which was subsequently put out by a long-vanished small publisher: The Embedded PC’s ISA Bus. You don’t do that sort of thing to get rich, but it did make me, just barely, a thousandaire. It’s available on the remainder table, having been long out of print.

If you get a copy, the diskette will probably be unreadable. Back in the day, a megabyte was a big hunk o’ data, but now it’s just a blip of a download: ISA Bus Book WordPress doesn’t like ZIP files, so download it, rename it to get rid of the .odt, and you’ll have the original .zip file again.

Ah! After a protracted silence, I got a note from the folks who bought the final remnants of the chain of companies that held the copyright. As far as they’re concerned, it’s out of print and the copyright has reverted to me, which means I can put the whole thing here for future reference: Embedded PCs ISA Bus – Ed Rename the file to get rid of the .odt and it’ll become a fine .zip file stuffed with a PDF for each chapter, plus the diskette ZIP file.

Now, should you want an autographed copy of the actual dead-tree book, send me $25 and your address… [grin]

By now, though, I just write a few thousand words a month on this blog to give me a fighting chance to remember how I did something. :grin: