Folding Step Stool Handle Repair

It turns out that if you drop a heavy sheet of laminated cardboard in exactly the right spot, you can shear the pot metal handle right off a two-step folding step stool:

Folding step stool - exposed handle
Folding step stool – exposed handle

I mean, it’s just a perfect target:

Folding step stool - handle detail
Folding step stool – handle detail

It was a clean break leaving gritty surfaces ideal for JB Weld epoxy and a clamp:

Folding step stool - epoxy clamping
Folding step stool – epoxy clamping

In truth, using epoxy in tension isn’t a good idea, but this is light duty and the repair ought to be good for a while.

Now, as to why I was standing on a two-step ladder fiddling with a heavy sheet of laminated cardboard, that story must wait for a while …

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