Makergear M2: Pronterface Configuration

I use Kliment’s Pronterface for printer control: simplicity with enough knobs.

The .pronsolerc file:

set port /dev/ttyACM0
set baudrate 115200
set build_dimensions 200x240x195-100-120+0
set temperature_abs 200
set last_bed_temperature 70.0
set last_temperature 155.0
set xy_feedrate 30000
set z_feedrate 2500
set e_feedrate 300
set last_file_path /mnt/bulkdata/Project Files/Thing-O-Matic/Calibration
set temperature_pla 165
set preview_grid_step1 10
set preview_grid_step2 20.0
set preview_extrusion_width 0.4
set bedtemp_pla 70

Line 3 sizes the preview and offsets the XY=0 origin to the center of the plot.

The 200 mm X axis dimension is slightly larger than the actual 195 mm buildable area on the platform, but if the object gets that close to the maximum size, this isn’t the place to discover it.

The 240 mm Y axis dimension is slightly shorter than the actual 250 mm buildable area and slightly larger than the distance between the snouts of the bulldog clips holding the glass plate to the heater. In this case, the object can slightly exceed the preview size if it fits between the clips.

Lines 12 and 13 produce a relatively coarse grid that’s both meaningful and easy on the eyes, with the XY dimensions in Line 3 producing a major grid line crossing at the origin where it should be:

M2 Pronterface - screen shot
M2 Pronterface – screen shot