American Standard Kitchen Faucet: Yet Another Replacement

These cartridges seem to wear out after two years, at most:

American Standard faucet cartridge
American Standard faucet cartridge

The handle becomes difficult to move, both left-to-right and up-and-down, with lubrication of the (obviously metal-on-plastic) shaft being unavailing.

Having devoted considerable time & attention to keeping this thing alive, there really aren’t any user-serviceable parts inside:

American Standard Ceramic Faucet Valve Cores - old vs new
American Standard Ceramic Faucet Valve Cores – old vs new

I think the sliding fit between the two ceramic blocks laps itself into a more perfect joint, to the extent it’s wrung together and can’t be moved. Even after filtering, our town-supplied water apperently has enough micro-fine grit for the purpose.

So I have another valve core for the collection …

On the upside, the improved spout bearing rings continue to work fine, although it’s only been five months.

2 thoughts on “American Standard Kitchen Faucet: Yet Another Replacement

  1. FWIW, our Moen kitchen faucet is 3 months short of four years in service, and it hasn’t needed servicing yet.

    OTOH, the American Standard two-handled faucet it replaced was tolerable. Its only problem was constant loosening of Allen screws for the valve-stem adapters; fixed by replacing the screws with ones using a better grade of steel.

    On the gripping hand, the AS bathroom 2 handled faucets (about 10 years old) are fine, though the stems needed relubing as the glass-reinforced plastic wore in. Those replaced never-to-be-sufficiently-damned Delta one-handled faucets.

    1. Three other single-handle faucets, both Moen & American Standard, of various vintages, work fine and have never needed attention. Of course, they get far less use than the kitchen faucet, so it may just be a duty cycle problem.

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