Plywood Clamp

Being in need of a dedicated clamp, I made one from Thingiverse:

Plywood clamp - overview
Plywood clamp – overview

The original gets its clamping force from a gazillion rubber bands, but two wraps of shock cord joined by the guts of an electrical crimp connector worked for my simple needs:

Plywood clamp - shock cord crimp connector
Plywood clamp – shock cord crimp connector

The rounded tips work at any thickness, but introducing them to Ms Belt Sander set them for the specific purpose I have in mind:

Plywood clamp - flatted tips
Plywood clamp – flatted tips

The little cork pads are hand-cut from scraps, because why not.

Rubbing paraffin (wax, not kerosene) on the circular joint’s bearing surfaces makes the hinge move soooo smoothly.

The WordPress AI image generator is trying much harder:

Plywood clamp - WP AI Image
Plywood clamp – WP AI Image

The callouts almost make sense, because they’re now ripped from the post text. For sure, I will “crustorilize” my next shop project.

Gotta love the AI evaluation:

The content shows a practical and creative approach to making a plywood clamp, supported by clear images. Consider adding a brief introduction to provide context for the project. Additionally, explaining the specific purpose for which the clamp is intended would further engage readers. The use of humor and informal language adds a personal touch, enhancing the connection with the audience. Overall, the engaging content and visual aids make it a compelling read.

5 thoughts on “Plywood Clamp

  1. Those AI images are a hoot.

    Here is a challenge — you have a lathe, Laser cutter, 3d-printer — so I want to see you build that crazy clamp in the AI image !

      1. Yes, this needs to be build. If one can figure out what the different parts are for. It looks like something IKEA would sell if they did Steampunk.

        Overall, a compelling and engaging read. But I disagree with the AI: By not explaining the specific purpose for which the clamp is intended, you create suspense. Hence forcing the reader to come back day after day following this blog into every rabbit hole while maintaining the slightest of hope that one day the purpose of the clamp might be revealed.

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