Tyvek Engraving: FAIL

Spurred by Jason’s comment on the laser test paper trials, I engraved some Tyvek:

Tyvek engraving
Tyvek engraving

You probably can’t see the “Test!” engraved below the blue logo, as it just changed the texture of the envelope without producing a visible mark.

The upper-right “Test!” ran at 10% (of 60 W) at 400 mm/s, with the others at 15% and 20%. The results suggest that it’s possible to remove ink and leave a visible mark, but it’s neither pretty nor dependable.

Somebody’s gotta have a weather-stable, super-flexy, dual-color, laserable material, but so far it’s hidden below my horizon.

4 thoughts on “Tyvek Engraving: FAIL

  1. I have about four ideas a day. Occasionally, one of them is even a good idea. Not this time. On the plus side, it looks like this stuff is really easy to cut if you need something with Tyvek’s other properties.

    1. Four ideas a day puts you in the top 1%, I’d say. :grin:

      Stuff does cut like butter, so it’s gotta come in handy for something.

    1. Apparently Trotec has reshuffled their online shop, discarded my previous ID, and changed the Terms of Service to exclude retail = non-business customers. Maybe I misunderstand what happened, but a first glance isn’t encouraging.

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