4 thoughts on “Terms of Use: Do Not Read

    1. Folks making more money than any of us have figured out how to work around our best interests.

      The WordPress machinery handles all of the blog formatting / coloring / display. All I do is supply “content” and wish WP stopped making Bad Decisions about their machinery.

  1. A frequent 4LA on Accordingtohoyt dot com is “WPDE”, for WordPress Delenda Est.

    On a good day, it’s quirky, and I’ve noticed the various instances of WP-driven blogs all seem to have somewhat different quirks. This is the only one with black on grey, but weirder problems exist elsewhere.

    1. “Quirky” is an understatement.

      I just tried the Light, Dark, and Transparent settings for the comment theme, none of which have any effect in either Chrome or Firefox. I have no idea what’s going on, but I do know there’s nothing I can do about it.

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