Improvised Table Leg Latch

While setting up the small table I conjured from scrap, I discovered one of the folding legs no longer had a latch to keep it from folding. Whether it never had one or the latch got lost along the way, there’s no time like the present:

Table leg latch - installed
Table leg latch – installed

The bolt I put there in place of the joint rivet precludes a smaller latch along the lines of the simple steel loop on the other leg, so I figured I may as well go large and, with that much surface area, plywood will work just as well as steel for my simple needs.

It’s a topless, bottomless box from the infinite supply at, here seen with its halves being glued at right angles on an aluminum bracket:

Table leg latch - gluing
Table leg latch – gluing

When those set, I glued & clamped them together in situ, then wrapped the whole mess with what’s basically high-strength friction tape to encourage it to not come too far apart under the inevitable stress when the leg tries to fold with a pile of stuff on the table.

We’ll see how long this survives; if past experience is any guide, it’ll be a while.

The WordPress AI image generator has a shaky grasp of both human anatomy and the blog topic:

Woodwork design by Escher. What is that interesting tool? So many arms, all with nightmare fuel anatomy!

2 thoughts on “Improvised Table Leg Latch

  1. Well thought through that illustration.

    The hand is very appropriate for a woodworking/ table saw illustration. Strangely enough I knew a guy like that.

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