Manjaro XFCE Slow File Loading

A month or so ago a Manjaro update caused all file loading to take minutes, rather than seconds. This sort of breakage seems endemic to rolling update distros, although most glitches vanish within a few days as more knowledgeable users track down the problems and apply the fixes.

File loads and program startups continued to be achingly slow, so I trawled the Interwebs in search of a resolution, tried various suggestions, and had no success until:

sudo pacman --remove xdg-desktop-portal-gnome

Some background information:

A description of what a desktop-portal is all about:

When using Free Software, when it breaks you get to keep all the pieces. In this case, I do not profess to understand how the pieces fit together.

3 thoughts on “Manjaro XFCE Slow File Loading

  1. I seem to have one of the few Linux distributions that doesn’t use systemd, so most of the tools mentioned in the pages don’t exist for me. OTOH, the kde variant of the desktop portal has been quietly running since February of last year.

    I’ll back away without waking the monster. [grin]

    1. AFAICT, an XFCE setup starts out with no GNOME or KDE pieces, but as soon as you install a program written against any of their libraries, a whole bunch of stuff gets hauled in and turned on. This generally works fine, but occasionally it’s the worst of both worlds.

      1. Sounds right. I use a fair number of KDE applications, but prefer XFCE for the main environment. I’ve used Gnome tools, but not much is installed, so I don’t have the gnome portal.

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