Onion Maggot Fly vs. Sticky Traps: Season 3 Round 1

Six sticky traps have been out in Mary’s Vassar Farm onion bed from mid-April through mid-July, collecting onion maggot flies, other flying insects, and a bunch of shredded leaf mulch. Having just replaced all the sticky sheets, these are the results so far:

  • PXL_20230711_215255180 - VCCG Onion Maggot Trap F
  • PXL_20230711_215229538 - VCCG Onion Maggot Trap E
  • PXL_20230711_215159950 - VCCG Onion Maggot Trap D
  • PXL_20230711_215129817 - VCCG Onion Maggot Trap C
  • PXL_20230711_215041012 - VCCG Onion Maggot Trap B
  • PXL_20230711_215002214 - VCCG Onion Maggot Trap A

Each image is the front and back of a single sticky sheet flipped over left-to-right; I did not keep track of the original trap locations.

If you need the original camera images to get enough pixels for itemizing the smaller dots, let me know.

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