Garden Soaker Hose Repairs In Use

Just for completeness, here’s what the various soaker hose clamps look like in the garden, as solid models only let you visualize the ideal situation:

Soaker Hose Connector Clamp - Show view
Soaker Hose Connector Clamp – Show view

This one prevents a puddle in the path to the right:

Soaker hose repairs in situ - clamp
Soaker hose repairs in situ – clamp

Bending the hoses around the end of a bed puts them on edge, with this clamp suppressing a shin-soaking spray to the left:

Soaker hose repairs in situ - end-on clamp
Soaker hose repairs in situ – end-on clamp

The clamp at the connector closes a leak around the crimped brass fitting, with the other two preventing gouges from direct sprays into the path along the bottom of the picture:

Soaker hose repairs in situ - clamps and connector fix
Soaker hose repairs in situ – clamps and connector fix

All in all, a definite UI improvement!

As far as I can tell, we have the only soaker hose repairs & spritz stoppers in existence. Hooray for 3D printing!

5 thoughts on “Garden Soaker Hose Repairs In Use

  1. I’m going to bookmark this because I cleaned out a Lowes and a Home Depot of all their soaker hose. I bought 450 feet of the stuff and I still need about that much more.

    1. The hoses are absurdly fragile / brittle / cantankerous in (what I think should be) normal use. I made up enough of a surplus to staunch the usual leaks & sprays for the rest of the season; the clamps have already paid for themselves several times over.

    1. Well played!

      The showstopper will be a complete fracture across a hose, because (IMO) no feasible clamp can hold the ends together against 100+ psi water. But, hey, until then, I have a lot of aluminum sheet …

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