Hot Melt Glue Burn

I managed to slobber some fresh hot melt glue on my finger…

Glue burn - after cooling
Glue burn - after cooling

It was whoop-dee-do brown carpentry glue from a gun that claims 350 °F output, so what looks like toasted flesh is actually the last remnants of the glue. The advice seems to converge around do not peel the glue (because you’ll rip the damaged skin and leave yourself with an infection) and keep the burn cool.

After a few hours cuddling with an ice pack I figured I was probably going to live through this. The next morning the glue flaked off, leaving a mighty blister behind.

Glue burn - blister
Glue burn - blister

Looks like something Piter de Vries might have enjoyed inflicting, had Frank Herbert only known about hot melt glue guns: “… there’s a sort of beauty in the pattern of pus-white blisters on naked skin, eh, Baron?”

One should don all manner of Personal Protective Equipment before using a glue gun, but I bet you don’t, either.

10 thoughts on “Hot Melt Glue Burn

  1. Check into Vetericyn Used for animals and humans. It’s ionized water with a bit of chlorine (we think).
    It won’t heal the blister but keeps cuts from getting infected. OK for in the eyes and you can drink it.
    They use in on race horses so you know it works.


    1. There’s just a whole bunch of stuff they do to horses that won’t happen to me… [grin]

      We have a vet in the family; I’ll ping her and see what turns up.

      Back in the day, you were supposed to lance blisters for some reason or another, but now you’re supposed to let them be so the raw wound underneath doesn’t get infected. It’s on my left ring finger, pretty much out of the way, and it’s not bothersome, so we’ll see how long it lasts.

      Thanks for the tip…

      1. I always lance these type of injuries and they heal quickly. Once the “water” is out leave the skin there and it will dry up quick!

        1. It ruptured on its own (while I was riding in the rain) and became the usual dried layer atop new skin. The whole thing is a bit tender, but I think it’ll be OK…

  2. I have a scar to this day from a hot-glue craft accident when I was nine years old… nasty stuff.

  3. Have used these pictures in my class of 11 Year olds! thanks!

    1. I hope they begin learning from the mistakes of others: that mistake hurt!

      On the other paw, there’s absolutely no reason why human males survive puberty. Not only do we not learn from the mistakes of others, we insist on making those same mistakes personally!

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