Vacuum Tube LEDs: Ersatz Heat Sink Plate Cap

I wanted a slightly larger “plate cap” to fit a big incandescent bulb and it seemed a fake heatsink might add gravitas to the proceedings:

Vacuum Tube LEDs - large incandescent bulb
Vacuum Tube LEDs – large incandescent bulb

Yeah, that antique ceramic socket holds the bulb at a rakish angle. Worse, even though I painstakingly laid out the position of the heatsink atop the bulb, it’s visibly off-center. Which wouldn’t be so bad, had I not epoxied the damn thing in place.

After reaming out the M2’s filament drive, the entire blue base printed without incident.

A closer look at the cap:

Vacuum Tube LEDs - ersatz heatsink plate cap
Vacuum Tube LEDs – ersatz heatsink plate cap

Memo to Self: Next time, line it up with the vertical glass support inside the bulb and ignore the external evidence.

The boss has a hole for the braid-enclosed cable to the knockoff Neopixel:

Vacuum Tube Lights - finned cap - Slic3r preview
Vacuum Tube Lights – finned cap – Slic3r preview

The cupped surface perfectly fits the bulb’s 3.75 inch diameter. While you wouldn’t mill out a real heatsink, it definitely looks better this way and (alas) gives the epoxy more footprint for a better grip.

I built the fins with a 1/8 inch cutter in mind, so the fin root radius allows for a G3/G3 arc without gouging. I doubt machining a fake heatsink from aluminum makes any sense, but the cheap extruded heatsinks on eBay don’t look very good. Plus, they sport completely unnecessary tapped holes for LED mounts and suchlike.

A cross-section shows the wiring channel and cable entry:

Vacuum Tube Lights - fin cap solid model - section
Vacuum Tube Lights – fin cap solid model – section

I epoxied the Neopixel in place, applied double-sided carpet tape to the whole thing, then painstakingly trimmed around the fins with an Xacto knife:

Vacuum Tube LEDs - Ersatz Heatsink plate cap - tape
Vacuum Tube LEDs – Ersatz Heatsink plate cap – tape

That looked better from the top side (where it was completely hidden) and came heartbreakingly close to working, but after about a day the cable + braid put enough torque on the cap to peel it off the bulb. Obviously, the tape holds much less enthusiastically after that.

Part of the problem came from the cable’s rather sharp angle just outside the cap:

Vacuum Tube LEDs - Ersatz Heatink plate cap - detail
Vacuum Tube LEDs – Ersatz Heatink plate cap – detail

Rakish angle, indeed. Two of ’em, in fact.

Unlike the smaller cap on the halogen bulb, this time I didn’t bother with a brass tube ferrule, mostly to see how it looks. I think it came out OK and the black braid looks striking in person. Conversely, a touch of brass never detracts from the appearance.

Obviously, the cable wasn’t long enough, either. Part of that problem came from underestimating the braid length: it shortens dramatically when slipped over the cable, even when you expect shortening. Somehow I managed to overlook that, despite cutting the cable quite long enough, thankyouverymuch. There’s a tradeoff between gentle angles and having the cable stick out too far for comfort.

Memo to Self: Use a cable at least four inches longer than necessary, measure the combined cable + braid assembly after screwing the bulb in the socket, and don’t epoxy anything before all the parts are ready for assembly.

That’s why it’s a prototype made out of blue PETG…

Protip: running old ceramic sockets through the dishwasher greatly simplifies their subsequent cleanup.

All in all, I like it.

The OpenSCAD source code as a GitHub gist:

// Vacuum Tube LED Lights
// Ed Nisley KE4ZNU January 2016
Layout = "FinCap"; // Cap LampBase USBPort Socket(s) (Build)FinCap
Section = true; // cross-section the object
Support = true;
//- Extrusion parameters must match reality!
ThreadThick = 0.25;
ThreadWidth = 0.40;
HoleWindage = 0.2;
Protrusion = 0.1; // make holes end cleanly
inch = 25.4;
function IntegerMultiple(Size,Unit) = Unit * ceil(Size / Unit);
// Dimensions
T_NAME = 0; // common name
T_NUMPINS = 1; // total, with no allowance for keying
T_PINBCD = 2; // tube pin circle diameter
T_PINOD = 3; // ... diameter
T_PINLEN = 4; // ... length (overestimate)
T_HOLEOD = 5; // nominal panel hole from various sources
T_PUNCHOD = 6; // panel hole optimized for inch-size Greenlee punches
T_TUBEOD = 7; // envelope or base diameter
T_PIPEOD = 8; // light pipe from LED to tube base
T_SCREWOC = 9; // mounting screw holes
// Name pins BCD dia length hole punch env pipe screw
TubeData = [
["Mini7", 8, 9.53, 1.016, 7.0, 16.0, 11/16 * inch, 18.0, 5.0, 22.5],
["Octal", 8, 17.45, 2.36, 10.0, 36.2, (8 + 1)/8 * inch, 32.0, 11.5, 39.0],
["Noval", 10, 11.89, 1.1016, 7.0, 22.0, 7/8 * inch, 21.0, 5.0, 28.0],
["Duodecar", 13, 19.10, 1.05, 9.0, 32.0, 1.25 * inch, 38.0, 12.5, 39.0],
ID = 0;
OD = 1;
Pixel = [7.0,10.0,3.0]; // ID = contact patch, OD = PCB dia, LENGTH = overall thickness
Nut = [3.5,8.0,3.0]; // socket mounting nut recess
BaseShim = 2*ThreadThick; // between pin holes and pixel top
SocketFlange = 2.0; // rim around socket below punchout
PanelThick = 2.0; // socket extension through punchout
// Useful routines
module PolyCyl(Dia,Height,ForceSides=0) { // based on nophead's polyholes
Sides = (ForceSides != 0) ? ForceSides : (ceil(Dia) + 2);
FixDia = Dia / cos(180/Sides);
cylinder(r=(FixDia + HoleWindage)/2,h=Height,$fn=Sides);
// Tube cap
CapTube = [4.0,3/16 * inch,10.0]; // brass tube for flying lead to cap LED
CapSize = [Pixel[ID],(Pixel[OD] + 3.0),(CapTube[OD] + 2*Pixel[LENGTH])];
CapSides = 6*4;
module Cap() {
difference() {
union() {
cylinder(d=CapSize[OD],h=(CapSize[LENGTH]),$fn=CapSides); // main cap body
translate([0,0,CapSize[LENGTH]]) // rounded top
sphere(d=CapSize[OD]/cos(180/CapSides),$fn=CapSides); // cos() fixes slight undersize vs cylinder
cylinder(d1=(CapSize[OD] + 2*3*ThreadWidth),d2=CapSize[OD],h=1.5*Pixel[LENGTH],$fn=CapSides); // skirt
translate([0,0,-Protrusion]) // bore for wiring to LED
PolyCyl(CapSize[ID],(CapSize[LENGTH] + 3*ThreadThick + Protrusion),CapSides);
translate([0,0,-Protrusion]) // PCB recess with clearance for tube dome
PolyCyl(Pixel[OD],(1.5*Pixel[LENGTH] + Protrusion),CapSides);
translate([0,0,(1.5*Pixel[LENGTH] - Protrusion)]) // small step + cone to retain PCB
cylinder(d1=(Pixel[OD]/cos(180/CapSides)),d2=Pixel[ID],h=(Pixel[LENGTH] + Protrusion),$fn=CapSides);
translate([0,0,(CapSize[LENGTH] - CapTube[OD]/(2*cos(180/8)))]) // hole for brass tube holding wire loom
rotate([90,0,0]) rotate(180/8)
// Heatsink tube cap
CableOD = 3.5; // cable + braid diameter
BulbOD = 3.75 * inch; // bulb OD; use 10 inches for flat
FinCutterOD = 1/8 * inch;
echo(str("Fin Cutter: ",FinCutterOD));
FinSides = 2*4;
FinCapSize = [(Pixel[OD] + 2*FinCutterOD),30.0,(10.0 + 2*Pixel[LENGTH])];
BulbRadius = BulbOD / 2;
BulbDepth = BulbRadius - sqrt(pow(BulbRadius,2) - pow(FinCapSize[OD],2)/4);
echo(str("Bulb OD: ",BulbOD," recess: ",BulbDepth));
module FinCap() {
NumFins = floor(PI*FinCapSize[ID] / (2*FinCutterOD));
FinAngle = 360 / NumFins;
echo(str("NumFins: ",NumFins," angle: ",FinAngle," deg"));
difference() {
union() {
cylinder(d=FinCapSize[ID],h=FinCapSize[LENGTH],$fn=2*NumFins); // main body
for (i = [0:NumFins - 1]) // fins
rotate(i * FinAngle)
hull() {
translate([(FinCapSize[OD] - FinCutterOD)/2,0,0])
rotate(FinAngle/2) // cable entry boss
for (i = [1:NumFins - 1]) // fin inner gullets, omit cable entry side
rotate(i * FinAngle + FinAngle/2) // joint isn't quite perfect, but OK
cylinder(d=FinCutterOD/cos(180/FinSides),h=(FinCapSize[LENGTH] + 2*Protrusion),$fn=FinSides);
translate([0,0,-Protrusion]) // PCB recess
PolyCyl(Pixel[OD],(1.5*Pixel[LENGTH] + Protrusion),FinSides);
PolyCyl(Pixel[ID],(FinCapSize[LENGTH] - 3*ThreadThick),FinSides); // bore for LED wiring
translate([0,0,(FinCapSize[LENGTH] - 3*ThreadThick - 2*CableOD/(2*cos(180/8)))]) // cable inlet
rotate(FinAngle/2) rotate([0,90,0]) rotate(180/8)
if (BulbOD <= 10.0 * inch) // curve for top of bulb
translate([0,0,-(BulbRadius - BulbDepth + 2*ThreadThick)]) // ... slightly flatten tips
// Aperture for USB-to-serial adapter snout
// These are all magic numbers, of course
module USBPort() {
// [4.0,4.0],
// [-4.0,4.0],
// Box for Leviton ceramic lamp base
module LampBase() {
Bottom = 3.0;
Base = [4.0*inch,4.5*inch,20.0 + Bottom];
Sides = 12*4;
Retainer = [3.5,11.0,1.0]; // flat fiber washer holding lamp base screws in place
StudSides = 8;
StudOC = 3.5 * inch;
Stud = [0.107 * inch, // 6-32 mounting screws
min(15.0,1.5*(Base[ID] - StudOC)/cos(180/StudSides)), // OD = big enough to merge with walls
(Base[LENGTH] - Retainer[LENGTH])]; // leave room for retainer
union() {
difference() {
translate([0,-Base[OD]/2,Bottom + 1.2]) // mount on double-sided foam tape
for (i = [-1,1])
difference() {
# cylinder(d=Stud[OD],h=Stud[LENGTH],$fn=StudSides);
PolyCyl(Stud[ID],(Stud[LENGTH] - (Bottom - Protrusion)),6);
// Tube Socket
module Socket(Name = "Mini7") {
NumSides = 6*4;
Tube = search([Name],TubeData,1,0)[0];
echo(str("Building ",TubeData[Tube][0]," socket"));
echo(str(" Punch: ",TubeData[ID][T_PUNCHOD]," mm = ",TubeData[ID][T_PUNCHOD]/inch," inch"));
echo(str(" Screws: ",TubeData[ID][T_SCREWOC]," mm =",TubeData[ID][T_SCREWOC]/inch," inch OC"));
OAH = Pixel[LENGTH] + BaseShim + TubeData[Tube][T_PINLEN];
BaseHeight = OAH - PanelThick;
difference() {
union() {
hull() {
circle(d=(TubeData[Tube][T_PUNCHOD] + 2*SocketFlange),$fn=NumSides);
for (i=[-1,1])
for (i=[0:(TubeData[Tube][T_NUMPINS] - 1)]) // tube pins
translate([TubeData[Tube][T_PINBCD]/2,0,(OAH - TubeData[Tube][T_PINLEN])])
PolyCyl(TubeData[Tube][T_PINOD],(TubeData[Tube][T_PINLEN] + Protrusion),4);
for (i=[-1,1]) // mounting screw holes & nut traps
translate([i*TubeData[Tube][T_SCREWOC]/2,0,-Protrusion]) {
PolyCyl(Nut[OD],(Nut[LENGTH] + Protrusion),6);
PolyCyl(Nut[ID],(OAH + 2*Protrusion),6);
translate([0,0,-Protrusion]) { // LED recess
PolyCyl(Pixel[OD],(Pixel[LENGTH] + Protrusion),8);
translate([0,0,(Pixel[LENGTH] - Protrusion)]) { // light pipe
PolyCyl(TubeData[Tube][T_PIPEOD],(OAH + 2*Protrusion),TubeData[Tube][T_NUMPINS]);
// Totally ad-hoc support structures ...
if (Support) {
color("Yellow") {
for (i=[-1,1]) // nut traps
translate([i*TubeData[Tube][T_SCREWOC]/2,0,(Nut[LENGTH] - ThreadThick)/2])
for (a=[0:5])
rotate(a*30 + 15)
cube([2*ThreadWidth,0.9*Nut[OD],(Nut[LENGTH] - ThreadThick)],center=true);
if (Pixel[OD] > TubeData[Tube][T_PIPEOD]) // support pipe only if needed
translate([0,0,(Pixel[LENGTH] - ThreadThick)/2])
for (a=[0:7])
cube([2*ThreadWidth,0.9*Pixel[OD],(Pixel[LENGTH] - ThreadThick)],center=true);
// Build it
if (Layout == "Cap") {
if (Section)
difference() {
if (Layout == "FinCap") {
if (Section) render(convexity=5)
difference() {
// translate([0,-FinCapSize[OD],FinCapSize[LENGTH]])
// cube([2*FinCapSize[OD],2*FinCapSize[OD],3*FinCapSize[LENGTH]],center=true);
if (Layout == "BuildFinCap")
if (Layout == "LampBase")
if (Layout == "USBPort")
if (Layout == "Socket")
if (Section) {
difference() {
if (Layout == "Sockets") {

9 thoughts on “Vacuum Tube LEDs: Ersatz Heat Sink Plate Cap

  1. Time for new toys! Use that as a mold positive, get yourself a foundry and cast an aluminum heatsink.

  2. Most plate cap radiators have stacked circular fins (for some reason, vertical fins like yours seem to make more sense), but those would be a deuce to print. Horizontally finned transistor heatsink

    [Ed: I dinked with the URL to show the image.]

      1. Thanks for tweaking the URL, I keep getting it wrong (wordpress shows it fine in the preview). That’s a truly odd-looking top-mounting TO-3 heatsink. It does look cool, but it would take me a while to code that thing up in OpenScad.

        1. Perhaps extruding a polygon, rather than hacking solids? Doing it either way with an algorithm would pose a challenge, fer shure.

          I’ve enabled Markdown syntax in comments, but the syntax is (of course) completely different in the editor on this side of the monitor.

          Images should be:
          Exclamation Open-square-bracket alternate-text Close-square-bracket Open-paren URL-linkie-thing Space Double-quote title-text Double-quote Close-paren

          … for obvious reasons, I’m not even trying to figure out the escape quoting rules …

    1. These circular fin radiators shouldn’t be too hard to print, as they are not structural parts. I’d simply slice them down the middle, print both halfs with fins in vertical position and glue them afterwards. Should work nicely.

Comments are closed.