Prototype Board Holder: Now With Mounting Holes and Common Board Sizes

The folks I’ve been coaching through their plotter build project showed it off at the local MiniMakerFaire this past weekend. Next time around, I’ll insist they secure their circuit boards and use good wiring techniques, so as to avoid destroying more stepper drivers.

To that end, adding mounting holes to my proto board holder seems in order:

Proto Board Holder 90x70 - Flange mounting holes - Slic3r preview
Proto Board Holder 90×70 – Flange mounting holes – Slic3r preview

The board dimensions now live in an associative array, so you just pick the board name from a Configurator drop-down list:

/* [Options] */

PCBSelect = "ArdUno"; // ["20x80","40x60","30x70","50x70","70x90","80x120","ArdDuemil","ArdMega","ArdPro","ArdUno","ProtoneerCNC"]


PCBSizes = [

Which seems easier than keeping track of the dimensions in comments.

You can now put the PCB clamp screws and mounting holes on specific corners & sides, allowing oddball locations for Arduino boards with corner cutouts along the right edge:

Proto Board Holder ArdUno - Slic3r preview
Proto Board Holder ArdUno – Slic3r preview

A “selector” notation separates the hole location from the board dimensions & coordinates:

ScrewSites = [
//  [-1,1],[1,1],[1,-1],[-1,-1],        // corners
//  [-1,0],[1,0],[0,1],[0,-1]           // middles
  [-1,1],[-1,-1],[1,0]                  // Arduinos

Might not be most obvious way, but it works for me. Most of the time, corner clamps seem just fine, so I’m not sure adding the clamp and mounting hole locations to the dimension array makes sense.

The OpenSCAD source code as a GitHub Gist:

// Test support frame for proto boards
// Ed Nisley KE4ZNU - Jan 2017
// June 2017 - Add side-mount bracket, inserts into bottom
// 2017-11 - Selectable board sizes, chassis mounting holes
/* [Options] */
PCBSelect = "ArdUno"; // ["20x80","40x60","30x70","50x70","70x90","80x120","ArdDuemil","ArdMega","ArdPro","ArdUno","ProtoneerCNC"]
Layout = "Frame"; // [Frame, Bracket]
ClampFlange = true; // external flange
Mounts = true; // frame to chassis screw holes
Channel = false; // wiring channel cutout
WasherRecess = false; // cutout around screw head
/* [Extrusion parameters] */
ThreadThick = 0.25; // [0.15, 0.20, 0.25]
ThreadWidth = 0.40;
function IntegerMultiple(Size,Unit) = Unit * ceil(Size / Unit);
/* [Hidden] */
Protrusion = 0.1;
HoleWindage = 0.2;
inch = 25.4;
Tap4_40 = 0.089 * inch;
Clear4_40 = 0.110 * inch;
Head4_40 = 0.211 * inch;
Head4_40Thick = 0.065 * inch;
Nut4_40Dia = 0.228 * inch;
Nut4_40Thick = 0.086 * inch;
Washer4_40OD = 0.270 * inch;
Washer4_40ID = 0.123 * inch;
Tap6_32 = 0.106 * inch;
Clear6_32 = 0.166 * inch;
Head6_32 = 0.251 * inch;
Head6_32Thick = 0.097 * inch;
Nut6_32Dia = 0.312 * inch;
Nut6_32Thick = 0.109 * inch;
Washer6_32OD = 0.361 * inch;
Washer6_32ID = 0.156 * inch;
ID = 0;
OD = 1;
//- PCB sizes
// the list must contain all the selection names as above
//* [Hidden] */
PCBSizes = [
PCBIndex = search([PCBSelect],PCBSizes)[0];
//echo(str("PCB Size Table: ",PCBSizes));
//echo(str("PCB Select: ",PCBSelect));
//echo(str("PCB Index: ",PCBIndex));
echo(str("PCB Size: ",PCBSize));
/* [Sizes] */
WallThick = 4.0; // basic frame structure
FrameHeight = 10.0;
/* [Hidden] */
Insert = [3.9,4.6,5.8];
PCBShelf = 1.0; // width of support rim under PCB
Clearance = 1*[ThreadWidth,ThreadWidth,0]; // around PCB on all sides
ScrewOffset = ThreadWidth + Insert[OD]/2; // beyond PCB edges
echo(str("Screw offset: ",ScrewOffset));
/* [Screw Selectors] */
// ij selectors for PCB clamp screw holes: -1/0/1 = left/center/right , bottom/center/top
ScrewSites = [
// [-1,1],[1,1],[1,-1],[-1,-1], // corners
// [-1,0],[1,0],[0,1],[0,-1] // middles
[-1,1],[-1,-1],[1,0] // Arduinos
// ij selectors for frame mounting holes
MountSites = [
// [-1,0],[1,0]
function ScrewAngle(ij) = (ij[0]*ij[1]) ? ij[0]*ij[1]*15 : ((!ij[1]) ? 30 : 0); // align screw sides
OAHeight = FrameHeight + Clearance[2] + PCBSize[2]; // total frame height
echo(str("OAH: ",OAHeight));
BossOD = 2*Washer4_40OD; // make bosses oversized for washers
FlangeExtension = 4.0 + Washer6_32OD/2 - WallThick; // beyond frame structure
FlangeThick = IntegerMultiple(2.0,ThreadThick); // plate under frame
Flange = PCBSize
+ 2*[ScrewOffset,ScrewOffset,0]
+ [BossOD,BossOD,0]
+ [2*FlangeExtension,2*FlangeExtension,(FlangeThick - PCBSize[2])]
FlangeRadius = BossOD/4;
echo(str("Flange: ",Flange));
NumSides = 4*5;
WireChannel = [Flange[0],15.0,3.0 + PCBSize[2]]; // ad-hoc wiring cutout
WireChannelOffset = [
Flange[0]/2,0,(FrameHeight + PCBSize[2] - WireChannel[2]/2)
//- Adjust hole diameter to make the size come out right
module PolyCyl(Dia,Height,ForceSides=0) { // based on nophead's polyholes
Sides = (ForceSides != 0) ? ForceSides : (ceil(Dia) + 2);
FiiDia = Dia / cos(180/Sides);
cylinder(r=(FiiDia + HoleWindage)/2,h=Height,$fn=Sides);
//- Build things
if (Layout == "Frame")
difference() {
union() { // body block
cube(PCBSize + Clearance + [2*WallThick,2*WallThick,FrameHeight],center=true);
for (ij = ScrewSites) // screw bosses
if (ij[0] != 0 || ij[1] != 0)
translate([ij[0]*(PCBSize[0]/2 + ScrewOffset),
ij[1]*(PCBSize[1]/2 + ScrewOffset),
if (ClampFlange) // flange for work holder & mounting screw holes
for (i=[-1,1], j=[-1,1]) {
translate([i*(Flange[0]/2 - FlangeRadius),j*(Flange[1]/2 - FlangeRadius)])
circle(r=FlangeRadius,$fn=NumSides); // convenient rounding size
for (ij = ScrewSites) { // screw position indeies
if (ij[0] != 0 || ij[1] != 0) {
translate([ij[0]*(PCBSize[0]/2 + ScrewOffset),
ij[1]*(PCBSize[1]/2 + ScrewOffset),
PolyCyl(Clear4_40,(OAHeight + 2*Protrusion),6); // screw clearance holes
translate([ij[0]*(PCBSize[0]/2 + ScrewOffset),
ij[1]*(PCBSize[1]/2 + ScrewOffset),
PolyCyl(Insert[OD],OAHeight - PCBSize[2] - 3*ThreadThick + Protrusion,6); // inserts
if (WasherRecess)
translate([ij[0]*(PCBSize[0]/2 + ScrewOffset),
ij[1]*(PCBSize[1]/2 + ScrewOffset),
OAHeight - PCBSize[2]])
PolyCyl(1.2*Washer4_40OD,(PCBSize[2] + Protrusion),NumSides); // optional washer recess
if (Mounts)
for (ij = MountSites)
translate([ij[0]*(Flange[0]/2 - Washer6_32OD/2),ij[1]*(Flange[1]/2 - Washer6_32OD/2),-Protrusion])
PolyCyl(Clear6_32,(Flange[2] + 2*Protrusion),6);
translate([0,0,OAHeight/2]) // through hole below PCB
cube(PCBSize - 2*[PCBShelf,PCBShelf,0] + [0,0,2*OAHeight],center=true);
translate([0,0,(OAHeight - (PCBSize[2] + Clearance[2])/2 + Protrusion/2)]) // PCB pocket on top
cube(PCBSize + Clearance + [0,0,Protrusion],center=true);
if (Channel)
translate(WireChannelOffset) // opening for wires from bottom side
cube(WireChannel + [0,0,Protrusion],center=true);
// Add-on bracket to hold smaller PCB upright at edge
PCB2Insert = [3.0,4.9,4.1];
PCB2OC = 45.0;
if (Layout == "Bracket")
difference() {
hull() // frame body block
for (i=[-1,1]) // bosses around screws
translate([i*(PCBSize[0]/2 + ScrewOffset),0,0])
for (i=[-1,1]) // frame screw holes
translate([i*(PCBSize[0]/2 + ScrewOffset),0,-Protrusion])
PolyCyl(Clear4_40,(OAHeight + 2*Protrusion),6);
for (i=[-1,1]) // PCB insert holes
translate([i*PCB2OC/2,(Washer4_40OD + Protrusion),OAHeight/2])
cylinder(d=PCB2Insert[OD],h=2*(Washer4_40OD + Protrusion),$fn=6);